How many claymores can you have in bf3

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Tripwires that attach to certain moveable objects—such as automatic doors—may be set off by the object's movement. In Singleplayer, Claymores can be used by Recker on several occasions, notably during the Shanghai and the Kunlun Mountains missions. Battlefield Wiki Explore. Battlefield Battlefield V. Battlefield 4. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? M18 Claymore. Edit source History Talk 2.

Do you like this video? Play Sound. Because Battlefield Vietnam features different loadouts for each faction , this list may not be specific enough. Please see each faction's respective page for information on individual weapon kits and loadouts.

A claymore will explode whenever someone moves in front of it. Be careful as the claymore does not distinguish between friend or foe. A render of the Claymore in Play4Free. A "Center-line view" of the Claymore in Play4Free. A back side view of the Claymore in Play4Free.

The mine can be passed safely if the target is moving at low speeds. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. How many claymores can I have out at a time? Ask Question. Asked 10 years ago. Active 9 years, 11 months ago. Viewed 2k times. Improve this question. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. The UMP45 hits hard and has a controllable recoil at the cost of a heavy initial recoil kick.

MP7: No Change. The MP7 has a very low recoil and a high muzzle drift that favors longer bursts than the P The AS VAL fires a long range, highly accurate, high damage projectile that favors short bursts or single fire when stationary.

PDWR: Reduced the initial recoil. The PDWR has high recoil and favors burst fire, the added initial recoil was making it less effective in small bursts. P Reduced the initial recoil. The P90 favors a run and gun play style using long bursts to control muzzle drift, the initial recoil was making bursting ineffective.

PP Slightly reduced the initial recoil when firing, increased base damage. Fixed a misaligned scope crosshair on the G3A3 using the Rifle Scope 6x.

The L96 Straight Pull bolt now functions properly. The L96 ironsights have been adjusted for a clearer aiming picture and correct use of the integral front sight. The L96 now properly shows scope glint when using the 8x, and 12x scopes. Tweaked IRNV to be more consistent across all levels. Fixed a rendering issue with IRNV view when taking damage. Tweaked the IRNV zoom times and scope visible areas to be the same across all weapons some were faster than others. The Bipod now provides similar Accuracy and Recoil benefits no matter if the weapon is fired while aiming or without aiming for all weapons.

Previously only LMGs were worked this way. This especially improves the speed at which snipers can make follow up shots, and also allows effective unaimed suppressive fire with Assault Rifles and Carbines. Increased the Speed at which a bipod is deployed, allowing the user to obtain the bipod's bonus sooner after the deploy has started and allowing the weapon to be aimed in a far shorter time.

The value has been changed from a global percent increase to a weapon specific value. A small Hip Accuracy penalty has been added to the Heavy Barrel to represent the added weight of the accessory, as well as focus the attachment on accurate mid and long range fire. The exact penalty amount is a weapon specific value.

Several weapons with low default bullet speed now have their bullet speed increased when the Heavy Barrel is equipped. The Heavy Barrel is now also paired with Match Rounds which increase the maximum range of the weapon. The minimum and maximum damage are unchanged, weapons with the Heavy Barrel will be more effective in mid range. The Aimed Accuracy bonus provided by the Heavy Barrel has been increased. This will increase the effectiveness of the Heavy Barrel for small bursts, as originally intended.

For most guns this means very little change, for guns which have a large horizontal recoil the change is more substation. A small long range Aimed Accuracy penalty has been added to the foregrip. Players who generally find themselves fighting at mid to long range may want to change their accessory, while players fighting in CQB will go largely unaffected. Combining the Foregrip with a Silencer or a Heavy Barrel will offset this penalty. Some PDWs have had their crouch and prone base stats adjusted to prevent hip firing being more accurate than aimed fire when using a laser sight.

The bonus is now a weapon specific value instead of a global percentage, some guns receive larger or smaller bonuses, though all bonuses are better than they were previously. Instead the Suppressor reduces the minimum and maximum range of the weapon, making it ideal for CQB and Stealth.

This change will make the Suppressor slightly more effective at long range, where the bullet drop and speed makes shots difficult already, and reduces the power of the suppressor at mid range slightly. This is less than the Flash Suppressor's bonus for all weapons.

The Hip Accuracy penalty of the Suppressor has been changed from a global percentage to a per weapon value. Generally this penalty is higher now, but not for all weapons. Specifically, the belt LMGs and bolt Snipers do not have any additional hip fire penalty, as their penalty is already at the maximum possible value.

A Suppressor and Foregrip combo will have similar accuracy to a weapon without any Accessories, at the penalty of worse Hip Fire Accuracy and Range and with the benefit of much improved Stealth and reduced Recoil. The Flash Suppressor now also works as a recoil compensator, reducing the Vertical Recoil by a weapon specific value. This bonus is larger than the bonus provided by the Suppressor. A small Hip Accuracy penalty has been added to the Flash Suppressor to represent the added weight of the accessory.

Tweaked the controls and physics for the EOD bot to improve its handling and aiming capabilities. The MAV will now be destroyed when running into a soldier or vehicle at high speed. It is still possible to strategically sacrifice your MAV on a soldier; it will be destroyed in the process. Players may now use their knife to destroy enemy equipment.

C4 will no longer be detonable after a player respawns, if the player is revived within 5 seconds he can still detonate his C4.

The player may now have a maximum number of mines which will persist after the player's death. Deploying more than the maximum of 6 mines will remove a previous mine from the world. Claymores now live up to 5 seconds after a player dies, the player can have a max 2 claymores planted at the same time. Claymores can now detonate from vehicles and can be used to disable jeeps or kill the passengers in light jeeps.

Claymores will not do any damage to heavy vehicles. Ammobags now stay until the user redeploys them like Medkits. Ammobags resupply bullets more quickly, but explosives resupply more slowly, especially 40mm grenades. Players desiring more rockets will want to use the Explosive spec. Slightly increased the heal rate of the Medical Crate.

PC The M Mortar can no longer be deployed in an area that is out of combat for another team like a home base or other protected spawn. Tweaked M exit points so the player faces in the direction of the mortar when he exits. Mines, Claymores, C4 and other deployable items will now only appear on the minimap when spotted by a teammate.

Tehran Highway playable area has been doubled and is now the same as the Squad Deathmatch set up. Spawn points have been tweaked, and an extra spawn zone has been added north of the footbridge.

Kharg Island has a new spawn zone layout, along with a bigger playable area and new cover objects. Spawn points have also been tweaked.

Strike at Karkand spawns zones have been tweaked to improve player flow. Spawn points have been tweaked to improve safety upon spawning.


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