How many borderlands 2 playthroughs

Rewards for the missions will otherwise be enhanced quite noticeably with higher level items offered and in the case of the Claptrap Rescue missions a number of Grenade Mods appear as rewards instead of SDUs, though there is a small chance of obtaining a "bonus" Backpack SDU during the first five rescue missions from the original game and two of the rescue missions found in the DLC's.

Ammunition pickups are similarly upgraded, yielding double the amount of ammunition per item than in Playthrough 1. When The Vault is first entered in Playthrough 2, all enemies throughout Pandora will see their level increased to Items will likewise be encountered at maximum levels, with the vast majority being level This setting is frequently referred to by the player community as " Playthrough 2.

The goal of this world modification is to allow players to fight balanced enemies anywhere. Playthrough 2. Killing the Destroyer, or leaving it alone, has no effect on this global difficulty change. No new missions are available at this point, but unfinished missions can still be started or completed. The quality of mission rewards are not actually increased compared to classic Playthrough 2, but the higher level enemies can lead to better mission-specific loot.

It is a unique chance to encounter higher level unique enemies, or high quality chests. Some missions can be useful to retain for better loot in post Playthrough 2, such as:. The planned Patch 1. Keep me logged in on this device.

Forgot your username or password? User Info: vocelcius vocelcius 8 years ago 1 A playthrough for each character I can understand, but 3 playthroughs per character? Anyone else feel the same way? I've already played through it twice on pc and twice on ps3, so I guess I'm done 'til BL User Info: Samholy Samholy 8 years ago 2 I already huge that i redo a game twice, i normally dont.

User Info: wifter8 wifter8 8 years ago 3 Samholy posted User Info: redhawks redhawks 8 years ago 4 no, not really since im in it for the loot and challenge so yeah im okay with doing it multiple times, its not like its a bad game or anything and jack is hilarious throughout most of the game, that is untill he SPOLIER ALERT: kills roland.

User Info: Samholy Samholy 8 years ago 5 thanks for the answer! User Info: sillyblackbird sillyblackbird 8 years ago 6 Yes. User Info: cruizen48 cruizen48 8 years ago 7 I agree Sam,dont mind starting over with a new character,but starting with a established charecter is tiresome and redundant,wish could start where i left off,huh,well it is what is is.

User Info: redhawks redhawks 8 years ago 9 cruizen48 posted Need help with Friendship Rules trophy. How many legendaries are in the game? Side Quest. What is a ferovore projectile? Anyone know how to solve the puzzle in "Splinter Group"?

Slot machine glitch in Sanctuary? Store Page. Borderlands 2 Store Page. Global Achievements. When I played BL1, I tried to do all of the missions in one playthrough since I didn't know about the "playthrough I was left hugely overlevelled at the end which, well, sucked. Now I'm starting BL2 and thought I'd do mostly main missions with some side stuff, but I'm already overlevelled just reached Sancuary at lvl 9, story missions are recommended lvl 7 at this point.

Should I just rush through the main story and ignore everything else, then do everything in PT2? What about PT3? I'm kinda unsure when to do what including DLCs, where do those go? Could you offer me some advice? Last edited by The Pilgrim ; 13 May, am. Showing 1 - 4 of 4 comments. Look at you next story mission's level. If you think you can and want to, go for it.


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