How long before oral should i eat pineapple

Any tips for his taste to be more pleasant? Oftentimes it's a little bitter. I don't mind but nonetheless it would be nice. Which is not a problem, despite whatever you've been led to believe from feminine wash advertisements, the media, and maybe even shitty partners.

Vaginas aren't supposed to smell like a bouquet of flowers, just like penises aren't supposed to smell like a summer night after it rains. It's the card we've been dealt, friends. It's great that your partner isn't buying into all that crap and is totally here for Eau de You.

But it sounds like you're self-conscious about it anyway, which happens. So first and foremost, know that there probably isn't anything wrong with how you smell or taste. While we haven't met your vagina personally, we're sure she's a gem. Jennifer Gunter and sex therapist Dr. Madeleine Castellanos , author of Wanting to Want.

Here's what they had to say:. To be fair, this myth isn't total garbage. Your bodily fluids — like sweat, saliva, and vaginal secretions — can all be influenced by your diet and lifestyle habits. For instance, eating lots of fragrant, pungent foods think spices, garlic, meats, etc.

In Kim K. Many people swear by the idea that if you drink pineapple juice or eat pineapple prior to boning, your genitals will taste and smell sweeter and better. In the intervening years, numerous experts have been consulted on whether pineapple juice does in fact pass the smell test. For instance, eating lots of fragrant, pungent foods think spices, garlic, meats, etc. Ditto for smoking cigarettes or drinking a lot of alcohol. Whereas eating sweeter foods and staying well-hydrated could lead to a less aromatic experience.

The main thing to realize here, though, is that really nothing you ingest is going to magically perfume your genitals in, say, a half hour. Unfortunately, no research exists to definitively answer the question of whether pineapple sweetens the taste of your private parts, which is probably why Redditors and the rest of us keep asking the question.

So naturally, we took the topic to some doctors. We Asked an Ob-Gyn for the Facts. There's equal if not more! It's possible that if you're eating foods with higher sugar content, like fruit, bodily fluids might taste a little sweeter, but that effect certainly wouldn't be noticeable in an instant. Even though Shaw chocks this one up to urban legend, there's probably no harm in trying it if you're curious, he allows.

Pineapple packs vitamin B, fiber, and a heaping dose of vitamin C , after all. But at the end of the day, maybe it's okay if your vagina just smells and tastes… like a vagina.


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