How does pilot light go out

Simply put, a crack in the heat exchanger will impact the air pressure and venting inside the combustion chamber , which directly effects the flame inside. Depending on the location of the crack, air can be blown inside the heat exchanger and onto the flame.

The pilot light depends on a reliable source of gas or propane in order to stay lit. Any issues with the gas valve that supplies that gas to the flame, whether it be dirty or malfunctioning, can result in that flame going out.

It's also possible that your gas supply has run low or out entirely, which will also cause the flame to blow out. The thermocouple on your heating system is a safety device that determines whether or not your furnace pilot light is lit. Malfunctioning thermocouple. If your thermocouple malfunctions, you might need to have it replaced by Jerry Kelly.

Dirt buildup around the pilot light. Dirt buildup is problematic for many parts of your furnace, including the area around your pilot light. For example, dirt can build up in the intake valve and restrict the amount of oxygen that is required to keep the pilot light burning efficiently.

A strong draft. Every once in a while, your pilot light can go out due to nothing other than a strong draft around your furnace. What should you do if your gas furnace pilot light goes out?

Schedule Gas Furnace Repair in St. This stops the flow of gas. Wait a few minutes for the gas to dissipate. Remove the access panel to access the burner. While still holding the gas knob, light the pilot with a long lighter. If your gas water heater has an igniting button, press that instead. Can I replace a thermocouple myself? Categories: Plumbing. That's the thermocouple. If you're having trouble locating the pilot or thermocouple, double-check to make sure your unit actually has a standing pilot light.

Standing pilot lights are common in older furnaces, but many newer furnaces have intermittent pilot lights or hot surface igniters. In these systems, the pilot will only light in the case of hot surface igniters, the igniter surface heats when the thermostat makes a command for heat. No matter the pilot configuration, the thermocouple will be near the burners—look for a removable metal rod nearby. Locate the copper rod near the burners. This is the thermocouple.

If you look very closely, you'll find the thermocouple tucked in behind the burners. The thermocouple needs to detect the flame, otherwise it will shut the gas valve, and your furnace will not function correctly. There are three reasons why your thermocouple might be malfunctioning:. A broken or burned out thermocouple won't detect the flame properly, effectively closing the gas valve until you replace it. Replacing a broken thermocouple is cheap and relatively easy if you're mechanically inclined.

Contact professional furnace repair technicians at Hot Point for thermocouple repairs if you aren't so confident.

It won't cost you much. Soot buildup on the thermocouple may block the flame. Under constant exposure to a hot flame, a thermocouple wears down over time. Even a slight residue can make the thermocouple malfunction.


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