Doodle god why is plankton purple

Bricks weren't used enough, same for wood. I also agree with sethum; there's much that is missing. In addittion to his list, book and man should make scholar. But I have a question about it: it says there are, in total, elements in-game.

Well, there are around elements. Does this game have those elements hydrogen, helium, I'm not sure whether I liked this or not. I'm between "average" and "meh" mostly because of the trial and error sort of thing. I agree that we should be left with outlines and work our way to them, and maybe we should get some reward for completing each "group" of elements.

The "hallelujah" that played every time I got a new element kinda ticked me off after a while too. Fun to waste half an hour on, but frustrating how you have to switch between lateral asociations and logical reasoning to get all the elements. I thought this game was fantastic, but as others have said, it was missing some things. And it was nearly impossible without the walkthrough. How i really saw it going was the creation of the world. Sure Metal and tools begot weapons. And weapons and gun power begot fire arms But i wanted it all to come to some grand conclusion!

Maybe ending with God. Or something like that. Sort of like it all came from humans and humans created god. I dont know Next time i would like more of an ending then just 'having played it all for the sake of playing it all' My opinion: A good game, but needs some tweaking.

Since I have no idea what any of that IS. Basically, make it more acessible to laymen. More like "no comment". That would be moving, plus easy to understand for everyone.

I hope someone who can design games takes my idea;I think it has promise in the right hands! Anyway, great game, keep em coming!

It is kind of fun, in an addictive way, but after not very long, you end up just try everything against everything else. It needs plot, or. Moving parts? I think I'll go play some Caverns. I think it's important to reiterate what Mordred points out. This really is just a copy of the russian site. All the peculiarities of the original are there. The only difference I saw was that the original had a "flying dinosaur".

Unless the same person is involved in both games, this is somewhat unethical. Here's a list of all the possible combinations, some of them are amusing For the other ones, there are either multiple ways to create that element, or the recipe is just there for amusement.

Being able to see all the elements created so far instead of having to remember which category any one element is in. An update on Tahsis' suggestion, at all times show a list of the things that could be created from the elements I currently have. Otherwise it is just pointless combinations, nearly impossible to complete without the walkthrough!

Nice game, I wish there were more items, but at the same time, the more there is, the more difficult it is to guess. Soon, it becomes nearly mandatory to use the hint feature. Sometimes, even with the hint, I had to try every combination to figure out the not so obvious solution! I loved this game, but as it was already said, it needed to be completed. Near the end it got to be way too time-taking.

Not that I didn't like it. This is the best game I've played in a week, and that's saying something. Some hints, something subtle, might be in order. But I'm not going to lie-I'd recommend this game to anyone. Especially if they had too much time on their hands. One issue I didn't like is that yes, I know I'm going to be laughed at for this , the title is totally sacrilegious. There is only one God, Jesus Christ. I know everyone will not agree to that, but "Doodle God" is very crude and I think it may have steered some people away from this game.

But I found it intriguing anyway. I already have the basic elements of Water, fire, earth, air mechanics, I think, buildings, plants, ghost skull thing, and finally the yin and yang sign. I kind of got a little sad when all the complicated, modern things started to be made. I remembered when I made grass and I was like "Whoa! I made grass! I discovered all the new elements available total is now in 15 categories, they added technology, I think. Wow, what a bunch of prudes.

Take the stick out of you're arse and get over it. Aside from the fact that this entire exercise has no over arching plot or point, really, the only thing I found wrong with it was the fact that some of the elements didn't get used ever again after you make them I don't remember using electricity for anything after making it. Some of the combination's defied logic, and some were just downright retahded. Overall a very "meh" experience. The only reason it hooks anyone for as long as it does is because it entices our OCD natures.

I know how to make a steam engine first you put steak and iron or something like that than you have a boiler and when you combine that with more steel than you have THE steam engine. And to those who said it was missing certain things like scholar and whatnot You do realize that is the point of this game is to make you think about where everything came from?

I agree though that I had wished the game had more than just guess and check An outline like it was previously mentioned would have been nice. Captain Planet didn't invent the four elements idea, you know. Ancient cultures did. Just saying. Just realized after running through my walkthrough a second time that when I rearranged the order to make it look better, it kinda messed up the sequence and you might be asking things like "where the heck is human and weapons?

Here's a much smoother arrangement that shouldn't give you that problem as this order unlocks those hidden objects. I've tried everything in the walkthroughs I'm in stage 4 , but nothing's working. Weapon will be in armor's group. Human is also like this, you'll need to combine death and astral to get illithat and it'll be in that group. How do you get to stage 4? Please help all I know is you have to do something different in stage 2.

I've had several of the games hosted here only show part of the actual game in the game window, this is the latest case so I thought I'd report it. The Doodle God intro screen is fully displayed but when I click on Start I can't see the right and bottom edges of the game. So I don't see the Play button at the bottom I'm using Google Chrome 7. If I go to Kongregate and play it there I see the whole game screen in another Chrome tab.

If I switch to Firefox 3. Apparently it's your code and Google Chrome That's usually the cause, and we've seen this kind of thing reported somewhat more frequently lately. The concept has a ton of potential. Also, I feel there were a lot of missed combination opportunities. Doodle God needs a new update!!! The new element would have to start a technology stage according to the episode flowchart , so, any ideas? Anyone know when the next update is coming out? The only thing i need is those stinkkin achievements.

Wow, that game is incredibly stupid and a waste of time. I played it for several minutes, creating elements right and left, and kept thinking "ok, what is the point? The joke, there is no point. You just try to click on all combinations of items in the hopes they will create some "element".

This game is so overrated! I'm sorry but it is. Yeah it's fun for a minute or two, and after that it's all about trial and error. Very sysiphic trial and error may I add. No replayability whatsoever! For what? Playing it once in a while? And when I say "while" I mean lifetime. Get real! Finally i got the santa one solved. Okay, it wont let me make sex or alcohol and the branches off of alcohol. The child lock thingy majig is off. Im using an iTouch. And im almost beating it But this is holding me back.

More updates please!!! Best buck ever spent. It's worth it! So awesome I thought doodle god was great. I was wrong. Amazing So awsome, the only drawback is it's not game centre.

Fun Game Really enjoyable to play but I hate the coin system. Love it Me and my boy love creating elements together. It's so much fun and we get to talk about evolution and creation.

This is something we both enjoy thank god for doodle god! Keep coins away from this one The coin system ruined Doodle Devil.

And they show no sign of taking it away in the description of their next update. This game is still great, though. I hope the developers see the reason why this still has a near five-star, and Doodle Devil slipped to a two-star rating. Awesome Awesome game and assisting definate 5 stars. Drop fish in igloo. Pygmy crawls into igloo to eat fish. Pygmy crawls out of igloo. Pygmy eats fish in igloo. Fire pygmy from igloo.

Drop two pygmies in igloo to fire one pygmy out of door. Pygmy hit by pygmy flying out igloo. Raise the ice monster. Pygmy killed by snow ball.

Defeat the ice monster. Flick pygmy and bounce off ice monster. Flick a pygmy into the monsters mouth. Make the ice monster dizzy. Episode 30, Great Job Ice Hole. Overheat a pygmy by enlarging the sun. Freeze the pygmy by shrinking the sun. Burn a hole in the ice island. Decapitate pygmy playing tug of war with ice squid. Give a whole pygmy to ice squid. Fish in the ice hole. Catch a swordfish from the ice hole. Swordfish slap a sleeping pygmy. Pygmy eats a swordfish and gets ulcer.

Drop a burnt pygmy into the ice hole to cause ice geyser. Pygmy impaled by icicles from ice geyser. Episode 31, Whats the Story Morning Glory? Open the story screen. Watch a story in story mode. Create a story. Unplug the drain in the underwater area. Send the pygmy down the drain. Play the pain drain mini game. Spike the pygmy in the pain drain. Part 2. Check the news. Episode 32, Crack is Wack. Draw a crack in the ground.

Pygmy falls through crack and dies. You have to turn off the runs mini-game to do this one Play the runs mini game. Pygmy runs through bat poo. Pygmy runs into lava rock and explodes. Pygmy lands in lava and sinks. Bump Pygmy head on stalactites. Visit ape mountain. Drop pygmy into winch. Drop pygmy by bongos. Drop pygmy into altar. Turn the winch. Wind pygmy up on the altar. Light the torch. Make pygmy play bongos. Play the bongos to call the giant ape.

Pull pygmy from ape at last minute and cause tantrum. Ape smashes Pygmy on bongos. Wind pygmy on altar until he snaps. Make giant ape dance. Episode 34, Monkey See, Monkey Chew. Grab banana from tree to attract monkey. Bring three monkeys at one time to the mountain. Monkey climbs the torch. Monkey climbs tree. Drop a monkey on pygmys back. Drop pygmy on monkey and pygmy is thrown off mountain.

Monkeys play catch with pygmy. Monkey eats banana. Pygmy eats a banana. Pygmy slips on banana peel. Shock the monkey with lightning. Monkey bothers sleeping pygmy. Make the monkey dance. Burn monkey on a lit torch. Draw a double rainbow. Pygmy says Whoa. Double rainbow all the way. Pygmy says so intense.

Pygmy says Double rainbow all the way across the sky! Pygmy says Oh my god. Pygmy says What does this mean? Pygmy says Its starting to look like a triple rainbow! Episode 36, Konkey Dong. Put pygmy in Konkey statues grip. Pygmy kidnapped from the grip of statue.

Play the Konkey Dong mini-game. Pygmy killed by boulder in Konkey Dong. Pygmy killed by beetle in Konkey Dong. Fall off Konkey Dong level. Use the pick in Konkey Dong. Bounce on the back of the beetle in Konkey Dong.

Jump over beetle in Konkey Dong. Jump over the boulder in Konkey Dong. Hit the beetle with the pick in Konkey Dong. Crush boulder with pick in Konkey dong. Episode 37, The Moron Pests. Tap dream bubble to travel to misfit island. Visit the island of misfit crossovers. Drop the snake on pygmys head. Pygmy eaten by moron pest turtle. Play the moron Pests mini-game. Episode 38, Two and a Half Pygmies.

Charlie says hes a Vatican assassin warlock. Charlie says hes bi-winning. Charlie says hes a total frikin rock star. Charlie says dying is for fools.

Charlie says its on. Bring it! Charlie says wow, winning! Charlie says winning! Charlie says he has one speed, one gear, GO! Charlie comments on double rainbow. Charlie says that only normal people need sleep. Charlie throws food away. Charlie turns into tiger and cuts pygmy in half. Drop half a pygmy on pygmy head. Drop half a pygmy on Charlies head. Warlock Charlie strikes pygmy with lightning. Warlock Charlie defeats vampire pygmy. Drop a shark on Charlies head.

Drop a boulder on Charlie. Drop a t-rex egg on Charlie. Drop a monkey on Charlies back. Episode 39, Island of the Gods. Visit the island of the gods. Place pygmy on pedestal. Pygmys sing. Place God Idol on pedestal.

Open the temple door. Enter the temple. Unlock all challenges. Episode 40, Battle of the Gods. Play Battle of the Gods. Use a Counter Attack. Use a Fast Attack. Use a Strong Attack. Use an Oceanus Realm Attack. Use an Aeris Realm Attack. Use an Infernis Realm Attack. Use an Animus Realm Attack. Use a Pax Realm Attack.

Win a battle. Lose a battle. Boost your attack damage. Boost all damage types. Activate defense against attack damage.

Activate defense against all damage types. Drain health from an enemy. Reflect damage back to the enemy. Inflict Realm damage on an enemy. Heal from a Realm effect. Cause damage during a tie. Cancel enemy Realm effects.

Drain level points. Freeze an enemys idol. Power up all idols with a single attack. Resurrect after death. Unfreeze one of your idols. Defeat Deva. Episode 41, I sting the Body Electric. Visit the underwater coral reef area. Suffocate pygmy with jellyfish. Sting the pygmy with jellyfish. Feed pygmy to jellyfish. Feed jellyfish a pygmy smoothie.

Electrocute pygmy with jellyfish. Episode 42, Bone Soup. Boil pygmy alive. Drown pygmy in oil slick. Pygmy eaten by acid. Tap temple symbol.

Activate under water freezing power. Activate under water heat power. Activate under water oil slick power. Activate under water acid power. Activate under water air bubble power. Use under water freezing power. Use under water oil power. Use under water acid power. Use under water air bubble power.

Pygmy iced under water. Pygmy boiled alive under water. Pygmy drowned in oil slick. Pygmy floats away in a bubble. Episode 43, Killing Time. Visit Apocalypse Island. Open Apocalypse Temple door. Enter the Chamber of Time.

Drop pygmy on time platform. Pull the time lever. Activate time energy. Create ginger pygmy. Create old fart pygmy. Create baby pygmy. Create fast pygmy. Pick up old pygmy. Old pygmy falls down. Old pygmy rejects dinner. Give old pygmy a heart attack. Old pygmy poops himself.

Feed the baby. Baby pygmy poops diaper. Baby shakes rattle snake. T-rex eats baby pygmy. Feed baby to shark. Flick fast pygmy. Hit ice monster with fast pygmy. Flick fast pygmy into volcano. Ginger pygmy dies of sun exposure.

Vampire dies by soul-less ginger pygmy. Episode 44, The Perfect Swarm. Enter the Chamber of Locusts. Poke Locust Queen in the belly.


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