Chf why fluid restriction
Try swapping salt for savory herbs, such as:. Pepper and lemon juice also add a good amount of flavor without any added salt. For extra convenience, you can also purchase salt-free seasoning blends. The next time you go out to eat, tell your server you need to avoid extra salt. They can tell the kitchen to limit the amount of salt in your dish or advise you on low-sodium menu options. Another option is to ask that the kitchen not use any salt and bring a small container of your own salt-free seasoning.
Try to look for foods that contain less than mg of sodium per serving. Prepackaged foods, such as frozen meals, often contain deceptively high levels of sodium. Manufacturers add salt to many of these products to enhance flavor and lengthen shelf-life. Many condiments, including mustard, steak sauce, lemon pepper, and soy sauce, contain high levels of sodium.
Salad dressings and prepared soups are also common sources of unexpected sodium. Simply getting rid of the salt shaker in your kitchen or on the dinner table can make a big impact. Need some motivation?
One shake of salt contains about mg of sodium, which is one-eighth of your daily intake. In addition to limiting sodium, a doctor may also recommend limiting fluids. This helps to keep the heart from being overloaded with fluids throughout the day. While the amount of fluid restriction varies from person to person, doctors often recommend people with CHF aim for 2, milliliters mL of fluid a day.
This is the equivalent of 2 quarts of fluid. This includes things like soups, gelatin, and ice cream. But sometimes, just moistening your mouth can do the trick. Aggressive fluid and sodium restriction in acute decompensated heart failure: a randomized clinical trial. A randomized controlled pilot study of outcomes of strict allowance of fluid therapy in hyponatremic heart failure SALT-HF. Fluid restriction in the management of decompensated heart failure: no impact on time to clinical stability.
Medium term effects of different dosage of diuretic, sodium, and fluid administration on neurohormonal and clinical outcome in patients with recently compensated heart failure. Am J Cardiol. A pilot study of salt and water restriction in patients with chronic heart failure. Description of self-reported fluid intake and its effects on body weight, symptoms, quality of life and physical capacity in patients with stable chronic heart failure.
Keeping the maintenance of daily life in spite of chronic heart failure. A qualitative study. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. Living with severe chronic heart failure in palliative advanced home care. Qualitative examination of compliance in heart failure patients in The Netherlands. Heart Lung. Thirst and QOL in persons with heart failure. Eur Heart J. The which heart failure intervention is most cost-effective in reducing hospital stay trial. Finn Gustafsson.
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Author instructions. Editorial staff. Editorial board. Willing to review? Contact and support. Address: Villaseca 21, Of. Phone: ISSN Key messages Fluid restriction probably decreases hospital readmission in chronic heart failure and might decrease mortality. It is not clear whether fluid restriction increases thirst because the certainty of the evidence is very low. What types of patients were included.
What types of interventions were included. What types of outcomes were measured. What to Expect at Home. Your health care provider may ask you to lower the amount of fluids you drink: When your heart failure is not very bad, you may not have to limit your fluids too much. As your heart failure gets worse, you may need to limit fluids to 6 to 9 cups 1.
Tips to Limit Fluids. Find ways to keep from getting too thirsty: When you are thirsty, chew some gum, rinse your mouth with cold water and spit it out, or suck on something such as hard candy, a slice of lemon, or small pieces of ice. Stay cool. Getting overheated will make you thirsty. If you have trouble keeping track of it, write down how much you are drinking during the day.
The three common types are: Thiazides: Chlorothiazide Diuril , chlorthalidone Hygroton , indapamide Lozol , hydrochlorothiazide Esidrix, HydroDiuril , and metolazone Mykrox, Zaroxolyn Loop diuretics: Bumetanide Bumex , furosemide Lasix , and torsemide Demadex Potassium-sparing agents: Amiloride Midamor , spironolactone Aldactone , and triamterene Dyrenium There are also diuretics that contain a combination of two of the drugs above.
Common side effects of diuretics are: Fatigue, muscle cramps, or weakness from low potassium levels Dizziness or lightheadedness Numbness or tingling Heart palpitations, or a "fluttery" heartbeat Gout Depression Irritability Urinary incontinence not being able to hold your urine Loss of sex drive from potassium-sparing diuretics , or inability to have an erection Hair growth, menstrual changes, and a deepening voice in women from potassium-sparing diuretics Breast swelling in men or breast tenderness in women from potassium-sparing diuretics Allergic reactions -- if you are allergic to sulfa drugs, you should not use thiazides.
Be sure to take your diuretic the way you have been told. Weighing Yourself Regularly. When to Call the Doctor. Call your provider if: You are tired or weak. You feel short of breath when you are active or when you are at rest.
You feel short of breath when you lie down, or an hour or two after falling asleep. You are wheezing and having trouble breathing. You have a cough that does not go away. It may be dry and hacking, or it may sound wet and bring up pink, foamy spit. You have swelling in your feet, ankles, or legs. You have to urinate a lot, particularly at night. You have gained or lost weight. You have pain and tenderness in your belly. You have symptoms that you think might be from your medicines.
Your pulse, or heartbeat, gets very slow or very fast, or it is not steady.