Avengers black widow what is her power

Black Widow. Learn about the Avengers. Avengers - Marvel Explore Characters See All. More Gamma-Powered Games. The average person might take days. The process of cellular regeneration means that her cells grow rapidly, repairing any damage done.

She cannot, however, regrow a limb like the healing capabilities of Deadpool allow. Because of the medical procedures that allowed her to heal faster and age slower, Black Widow cannot have children. Also known as the Widow Sting in S. She first used them in an issue of The Amazing Spider-man. Since their first appearance, Natasha upgraded to actual charged discs she can throw from her bracelets as well as carrying electric batons.

Red Room operatives were actually brainwashed into believing their covers were their real identities. Clones created of her by the Red Room can also access those old memories and identities though, which can make things pretty complicated for her. The movies provided a nod to one of her old covers, giving her the name Natalie Rushman in Iron Man 2.

Natalie was a cover she had in the comics, one of a teacher. She turned her wiles on both Iron Man and Hawkeye in those first few issues of Tales of Suspense to feature her -- the latter with more success than the former.

Eventually, the comics moved away from her ability to attract others to her, but there are still plenty of nods to that ability for female spies in other books. Enticing Iron Man, and even becoming engaged to him, was part of what allowed her to do it. It seems like every superhero and villain has this particular trait.

Not only can they accomplish feats us mere mortals cannot, but they can also withstand quite the blows. Despite not having a particularly offensive power set, Black Widow can go toe-to-toe with villains much larger and stronger than her as a result of her cunning and durability.

The duo went up against a former S. Natasha should have seen the worst of the fight - shot at and thrown from the roof. Black Widow, however, fell the multiple story distance into a dumpster, then walked it off, running straight back up to the fight. Other women have held the title upon graduating from the Red Room.

One of those women succeeded Natasha for the title after the S. Yelena Belova was obsessed with proving herself as better than the Black Widow that came before her. While Natasha's enhanced healing may often help her recover during or between assignments, it does have a large drawback for her personal life: she can't have children. Viewing a growing fetus as a foreign body to be purged, Natasha's enhanced immune system will terminate any pregnancy early.

While this element was retained in the MCU iteration of the character, it suffered some changes along the way. Age of Ultron indicated that in the MCU Natasha underwent a surgery that left her sterile, while in the comics it's her own powers that rob her of the choice. Even the uninitiated would assume that Natasha must be insanely skilled to fight alongside the capes and cowls on the Avengers, but few pay attention to just how superhuman her skills are.

And on top of the exemplary accuracy, weapons and combat knowledge that makes Natasha one of the deadliest fighters in the Marvel Universe, she also demonstrates a wide array of skills no human being could learn simultaneously. In fact, there is so much knowledge that Black Widow retains and perfects that there is no way a normal human mind could hold it all.

She speaks at least 11 languages, can hack the most advanced computer networks in the world and has a mastery of body language so thorough she could even fool the savant Taskmaster into believing she was Madame Masque. Her fierce spirit and strength has grown under years of training. She is not as strong as Hulk or Thor, as durable as Captain America and she also does not have the incredible marksmanship that Hawkeye does. Black Widow thinks on her feet better than anyone.

From keeping Steve Rodgers safe and hidden from the Hydra S.


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